Tips for Raising Money Using Crowdfunding

A critique of 2 food crowdfuning campaigns. See what not to do

Why do some crowdfunding campaigns exceed their goals while the vast majority falls short? FoodBevXperts are running a series of articles on successful and failed crowdfunding campaigns. We teamed up to create a new Foodpreneur program…  helping food entrepreneurs create killer food crowdfunding campaigns.

Sweet Lulu’s Bakery on Wheels, Charleston SC failed to pitch their business to the audience it really appeals to.  Louisville Jerky missed the boat on their campaign as well. Read how Linda and I review how FoodBevXperts would have fixed these crowdfunding campaign.

Sweet LuLus makes tasty treats in easy-to-go mason jars. They are expanding using crowd funding on Kickstarter and IndiegogoSweet-LuLus-Bakery

Sweet LuLus makes tasty treats in easy-to-go mason jars. They are expanding using crowd funding on Kickstarter and Indiegogo


Louisville Jerky missed the boat on their crowdfunding campaignLouisville Jerky

Louisville Jerky missed the boat on their crowdfunding campaign

Louisville Jerky

Tips for Raising Money Using Crowdfunding

See how One Bite approached start up funding


Your crowdfunding pitch needs to attract early adopters… people who always want to get in on the ground floor.

Why do some crowdfunding campaigns exceed their goals while the vast majority falls short? FoodBevXperts is running a series of articles on successful and failed crowdfunding campaigns. We teamed up to create a new Foodpreneur program…  helping food entrepreneurs create killer food crowdfunding campaigns.

Read how Linda and I review how FoodBevXperts would have fixed One Bite's crowdfunding campaign.

One Bite Crowdfunding Campaign tto ressurect Ruben's BurritosOne Bite

One Bite Crowdfunding Campaign tto ressurect Ruben's Burritos

One Bite

Do you know how to raise funding via Rewards Based Crowdfunding?

Developing and implementing your crowdfunding campaign

Do you know how to raise funding via Rewards Based Crowdfunding? Probably not and that’s OK since crowdfunding is rapidly evolving so what worked a few years ago may not work today. The crowdfunding playing field is exploding so how do you stand out from the crowd?

Here is how we, at FoodBevXperts work with food entrepreneurs in the development and implementation of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Read the 3 steps, Campaing Prep, The Sizzle, Getting Things Cooking.


One Bite Crowdfunding Campaign tto ressurect Ruben's BurritosOne Bite

One Bite Crowdfunding Campaign tto ressurect Ruben's Burritos

One Bite

Farm-fresh food at fast-casual prices is this startup’s appealing brand positioning. Unfortunately, the owners fail to pitch their business to the audience it really appeals to.Just Be Kitchen

Farm-fresh food at fast-casual prices is this startup’s appealing brand positioning. Unfortunately, the owners fail to pitch their business to the audience it really appeals to.

Just Be Kitchen

Is hybrid food a passing fad or future trend?

I found this post (below) from Jim Matorin of Smarketing to be entertaining as well as timely.

My recent trip to the Summer Fancy Food Show revealed  numerous examples of hybrid foods such as these pictures of Chipotle peanut brittle and Kale popcorn!

Hybrid Food Trend example -Chipotle flavored peanut brittle!

Hybrid Food Trend example -Chipotle flavored peanut brittle!

Hybrid Food Trend example - Kale flavored popcorn!

Hybrid Food Trend example - Kale flavored popcorn!

What follows is an excerpt from Smarketing on the Hybrid Food Trend...

Last week I wrote about hybrid marketing.  Today, given I am in the food business, I thought it would be a good time to post a new trend, hybrid food, also referred to as Frankenfood.                                                                                                                


I found the word Frankenfood in Urban Dictionary, an online dictionary that was originally established back in 1999 that primarily defines cultural slang (words or phrases) not typically found in standard dictionaries.  Urban Dictionary defines Frankenfood as “revolutionary culinary creations that mash up original and unexpected food combinations and ingredients, resulting in delicious dishes or awful misses.”  SomeFrankenfood that have made headlines this past year you might be familiar with are Cronuts, ramen burgers, Mac & cheese burgers and dessert pizzas.  Back in April, Oreo launched a marketing movement called Snack Hacks challenging celebrity chefs/food innovators to develop new ways for consumers to enjoy their product.  Consequently the term “food hacking” was born.  Read more...


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